To preserve our waterways, the marine life that inhabit them, their natural beauty, and the recreation they enable—for all future generations.
Because Riptide Vibes wouldn’t be possible without the marine life and waterways we are so fortunate to have around us, we donate 15% of all proceeds to conservation groups working to preserve and better the oceans, lakes, and rivers we recreate in.

We are proud to partner with the Ocean Conservancy as part of #TeamSeas. The Ocean Conservancy organizes coastal waterway cleanups throughout the world in an effort to fight for trash free seas by removing ocean plastic.
The Coastal Conservation Association is a non-profit organization comprised of salt water anglers spanning the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic, and Pacific coasts. The CCA specializes in the protection and conservation of coastal marine resources at the national, state, and local levels.
Oceana seeks to make our oceans more biodiverse and abundant by winning policy victories in the countries that govern much of the world’s marine life.